THE OFFICE MOVERS follows two underachieving brothers as they attempt to navigate the grim reality of the Toronto moving industry. Reluctantly following in their father’s footsteps, Everett (Jermaine “Jae” Richards) and Eric (Trevaunn “Trey” Richards) Saunders are hustling hard in a last ditch attempt to turn a struggling “Shazam Moving” around.

From online legends Jae and Trey Richards

Jermaine Richards, Trevaunn Richards, Heather Gallant, Lucas Lopez, Marina Nedic, Hassan Phills, Andy Agyepong-Ntra , Iqbal Faizer Michael Charles, Solomon Kehinde, Jack Innanen, Marvin SGB, Noel Miller, Baldeep Sehmbi, Jesse Sebastiani

Jermaine Richards, Trevaunn Richards, Clara Altimas, Allana Reoch, Lief Ramsaran

Executive Producers
Jermaine Richards, Trevaunn Richards, Clara Altimas, Dan Bennett, Shane Corkery, Anton Leo

Sebastian Cluer